Looking for ideas to create your eco-friendly escape? Look no further than the Technisoil products catalog!

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“It is more than a ground cover or mulch”

Product Summary

KURO SLATE helps retain moisture…reduce weed growth… longer lasting than wood mulch!

KURO SLATE is offered in 1″ (+/-) flat pieces

Kuro Slate offers a dynamic and beautiful accent to a wide array of applications

Modern……Rustic……Tree Wells……Gardens…..Borders…..Landscaping

It can be used in its natural state or enhance the color and shine with 



Product sizes:

  • Available in 40 lb bags and 2000 lb Super Sacks. One 40 lb bag covers approx 7-8 sq. ft.

20 Years, 531 Dealers. When you’re ready to start your build, we’ve got you covered.