Safety Information
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is recommended for application:
- Gloves
- Safety glasses
Coverage Rates for NANOPAVE JSS
Coverage rate is dependent on paver or stone porosity, joint width, depth and the type of jointing material used. See Section lV for more information on jointing material selection.
Joint Width: Recommended Joint Material: NP JSS® Coverage:
- 1/4″-1/2″ (6.35 mm-1.25 cm) Masonry Sand 75-100ft2/gal (1.45-1.95 m2/ litre)
- 1/2″-3/4″ (1.25-1.9 cm) Playground Sand 60-75ft2/gal (1.1-1.45 m2/ litre)
- 3/4″-4″ (1.9-10 cm) Crushed Stone Mix or 30-60ft2/gal (.73-1.1 m2/ litre) Decomposed Granite (DG)
Recommended Tools
- Push broom / leaf blower
- Pressurized sprayer (25-40 psi/ 1.7-2.75 bar)
- Foam rubber squeegee
- Vibratory plate compactor (A rubber sole may be needed for some surfaces)
- Hand tamp and/or rubber mallet
Suitable Applications / Materials
- For joints ranging from 1/8″ to 3/4″ (3.2 mm-.1.9 cm) in width, use standard masonry or playground sand.
- For joints ranging from 3/4″ up to 4″ (1.9-10 cm), use a crushed stone mix or decomposed granite (DG) material preferably with a gradation range of either 1/4″ minus or 3/8″ (6.4-9.5 mm) minus.
- Avoid jointing materials that contain clay, dirt, or materials that lack structural integrity. Screened aggregates that may improve permeability will not stabilize well.
Top 5 Tips for NANOPAVE JSS
- NP-JSS should be installed within an ambient and surface temperature range of 40°-90° F (4.4-32.2 C). Shaded, low sunlight, or colder areas will lengthen cure times. Conversely, direct sun, warmer areas will shorten cure times. Avoid temperatures at or below freezing or above 100°F (0 and 38C) for NP-JSS curing phase or storage.
- NP-JSS is a water-based formulation. The curing phase is dependent upon complete evaporation of the water component (usually 12-48 hours in optimal conditions).
- NP-JSS may be installed on moderately damp surfaces and jointing materials, including wet paver joint sand applications (wider joint applications may vary).
- Do not install NP-JSS within 24-48 hours before or after rainfall. In excessively wet conditions, allow to dry before application.
- Do not divide recommended application rates into multiple coats. Always consult manufacturer coverage rate guidelines, or contact TechniSoil technical support at: 877-356-2250.
- Consider complimentary weather conditions before, during, and after any NP-JSS application.
- NP-JSS may be installed on damp surfaces and jointing materials, including wet joint sand applications. Avoid excessively wet conditions or standing water. Do not install NP-JSS within 24-48 hours before or after rainfall. in excessively wet conditions, allow materials and project area to dry.
- NP-JSS should be installed within an ambient and surface temperature range of 40-90F (4.4-32.2 C). Shaded, low sunlight, or colder areas will lengthen cure times; conversely, direct sun, warmer areas will shorten cure times.
- NOTE: Ambient and surface temperatures are typically not the same. Be sure to check both individually prior to NP-JSS application.
Installation of NANOPAVE JSS
- Apply recommended jointing material to surface
- Sweep jointing material thoroughly into all pavement joints using a push broom. A whisk broom may be used in tight or hard to reach areas.
- For brittle paving materials, use a padded hand tamp or rubber mallet to tamp the surface to fill any air pockets and settle the jointing material between the stone joints. Repeat as necessary until joints are properly filled with jointing material.
- For sturdy paving materials use a vibratory plate compactor (rubber sole) to settle sand between the paver joints. Repeat as necessary until joints are properly filled with sand.
- For best results, thoroughly remove any residual sand, dust or aggregates from the surface using a leaf blower or broom before applying NP-JSS.
- NP-JSS is easily applied using a standard 1-5 gallon (3.8-19 litre) capacity low-pressure, pump sprayer. For larger applications, electric, high-capacity sprayer may be used.
- Mask or shield any adjacent surfaces in case of overspray or accidental application.
- Apply NP-JSS to the paving surface using pressurized spray equipment (40 psi/ 2.75 bar maximum). Concentrate primarily on the joints between the paving material, and evenly apply NP-JSS using the rate recommended in Section IV.
- Do not divide recommended application rates into multiple coats. Always consult manufacturer coverage rate guidelines or contact technical support at: 877-356-2250.
- Use a foam rubber squeegee or equivalent to remove excess or standing NP-JSS from the surface of the pavement. Evenly distribute excess liquid into adjacent joints.
- Keep project area free from any moisture such as rain or irrigation sprinklers, unnecessary foot traffic or otherwise on treated areas until fully cured. (usually 12-48 hours in optimal conditions).
Cure Times for NANOPAVE JSS
- 12-48 hours in optimal conditions
Clean all tools immediately after use by simply rinsing tools with water and a soft bristle brush.
Store NP-JSS out of direct sunlight in areas with a temperature range of 40°-90° F (4.4-32.2 C)
- Treated areas should withstand normal conditions for 24-48 months before a maintenance coat is needed.
- In high-traffic settings and/or in inclement weather conditions, an increased maintenance schedule may be required.
- If the jointing material is in satisfactory condition and only a sealer maintenance coat is needed, apply NP-JSS at twice the original application rate.
- To repair degradation that occurs in existing joints:
- Scarify exposed joint areas and fill them with additional sand or crushed stone mix. Use a padded hand tamp or rubber mallet to completely fill the joint as needed. Apply NP-JSS to the new material with a pressurized sprayer and saturate until the joint is milky white. Remove excess NP-JSS with a foam rubber squeegee. In normal conditions, the repaired area should be cured within 12-48 hours.
TechniSoil Global, Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects. Where permitted by law, TechniSoil makes no other warranties with respect to this product, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The purchaser shall be responsible to orchestrate their own tests to determine the suitability of this product for their particular purpose. TechniSoil’s liability shall be limited in all events to supplying sufficient product to re-treat the specific areas to which product proven to be defective has been applied. Acceptance and use of this product absolves TechniSoil from any other liability, from any and all sources, including liability for incidental, consequential or resultant damages whether due to breach of warranty, negligence or strict liability. This warranty may not be modified or extended by representatives of TechniSoil, its distributors or dealers, independent contractors, clients or end-users of any kind.